I live in a neighborhood with a LOT of brothels, almost all of them in the second floor of two story buildings that flank an elevated subway. Real estate no one wants, it’s brothels, gay bars, bailar bars (the equivalent of dime a dance halls), and beauty supply stores. And there is always such an uproar, so many self righteous frightened folks who want the brothels gone.

When I first moved in, it used to be a big trans stroll. It seems the police in the loud voices have chased them away, which is a shame. Where did they go? When I ask the detractors what these women are supposed to do for a living, how they’re supposed to feed their families once the brothels are closed they stare at me like I’m speaking a foreign language.

Like when the police clear out homeless encampments with no solution to follow up where people are supposed to go now. The angry voices just wanna push things out of their line of sight, never considering there are real human beings involved. That every decision is complex. That all anybody wants is to feel safe and loved.

Taking away a means of livelihood or homemade without offering alternative options is cruelty not compassion. Assuming anyone whose life and life choices don’t align with yours is unhappy and needs *help* is just ignorant.

Cruelty & ignorance is deadly.

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I wish more people could read something and be "not thrilled" and then get curious about their own negative reactions to things like this. They are fine consuming culture as long as they can pretend they don't know the ingredients in the sausage. The moral outrage is absurd.

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"Their outrage was at modern sex workers who want to be recognized as contributors to society and culture, rather than at the people who imitate the style of those they exploit." This is a razor-sharp summary of whats wrong with the conversation amongst those morally outraged by sex work.

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Right on, Jo! I admire sex workers, not that I’m familiar with many, but it’s something like being a fan.

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